Mumbai, till recently called Bombay derives its name from the local deity Mumba Devi, whose temple the city still retains. The capital city of Maharashtra Bombay was once a cluster of seven islands called Heptanasia by Plotemy in AD 150. The Portuguese predecessors of the British preferred to think of the name as Bom Baim, the Good Bay. An alluring mixture of races and cultures, the pulsating city is on the move. Its famed Bollywood churns out more movies than any place in the world.
Mumbai is home to people of all Indian creeds and cultures. With most premier multinational and national corporate houses headquartered here, it remains the bastion of free enterprise. It is a major manufacturing and trading centre for everything from garments, pharmaceuticals and toiletries to cars and cosmetics. Its international airport and seaport are the busiest in the country and handle virtually50% of all of India's foreign trade. |