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Area 3,287,263 sq. kms
States 29
Union Territories 6
Districts 593
Population 1027 million*
Urban 27.8%*
Rural 72.2%*
Life Expectancy 63 years
Religion Hindus : 82.8%    Sikhs : 2.0%
Muslims: 11.7%   Jains : 0.4%
Christians : 2.%   Buddhists : 0.8%
Population Ratio 933 females per 1000 males*
Density of Population 324 persons per sq. km*
Most Populous State Uttar Pradesh 166,052,859*
Area with Highest Density Delhi 9294 persons per sq. km.*
Area with Highest Literacy Kerala 90.92%
GDP at factor cost Rs. 20,94,013 crores +
NNP Per capita Rs. 10,754,00+
Largest State  Rajasthan 342,239 sq. km.
Lok Sabha 545 seats
Rajya Sabha 250 seats
State with Most Parliamentary Constituencies Uttar Pradesh : 71
Figures based on Census of India 1991
* Figures based on Provisional Population Totals, Census of India 2001
+ Figures relate to 2001-2002 fiscal year